Elnusa sets IDR5.5 trillion revenue in 2011

Bisnis.com,08 Des 2010, 10:21 WIB
Penulis: Wandrik Panca Adiguna

JAKARTA: Oil and gas services company PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) today announced a target of IDR5.5 trillion revenue in 2011, a 37% rise from 2010's estimates of IDR4.1 trillion.

In a public announcement filed to Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) today, the company's operating profit in 2011 is estimated to reach IDR334 billion or a 280% jump compared to estimated operating profit of IDR88 billion in 2010.The increase in operating profit is mainly underpinned by higher of operation productivity from utilization and equipments capacity."The revenue growth in 2011 will be supported by the better Indonesian economy outlook, especially in oil and gas sector," said Suharyanto, Elnusa President Director, in a press statement.Elnusa's operating revenue in 2011 will be supported by the increase in its core business which is estimated to grow 50% to IDR3.60 trillion. (wiw)

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