Djakarta Lloyd defends itself from bankcruptcy claim,17 Des 2010, 13:06 WIB
Penulis: News Editor

JAKARTA: PT Djakarta Lloyd (Persero) persisted that the state-owned company can not be put into bankruptcy by a curator team of N.V. De Indonesische Overzeesee Bank or The Indonesia Overseas Bank (Indover Bank)."Djakarta Lloyd is a state-owned enterprise (SOE). Based on the provisions of article 2 point 5 of the Bankruptcy Act, it is clearly stated that Minister of Finance is the one and only institution which has a right to put a state-owned company into bankruptcy," said Djakarta Lloyd's attorney Frids Meson Sirait this afternoon.The curator team of Indover Bank consisting of A. Van Hees and H.P. De Haan filed a bankruptcy through its legal counsel from Bunjamin & Tandjung and registered the file at the Central Jakarta Commercial Court. The claim was filed with a number: No.76/PAILIT/2010/PN.NIAGA.JKT.PST.Based on the document submitted to the court, the plaintiff claimed that the defendant is a debtor who failed to pay debts worth 1.193 million euros.Before claiming for a bankruptcy to the court, the plaintiff admitted that he had sent a subpoena to the company several times. In order to fulfill the bankruptcy petition, the plaintiff also took in other creditors, such as PT Globex Indonesia, with respect to five medium-term debt claims worth 500 million yen or IDR44.5 billion.(T03/NOM)

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