Australia set for additional donation of A$5.5 million,24 Des 2010, 06:18 WIB
Penulis: News Editor

JAKARTA: Australia is to help Indonesia recover from the recent natural disasters by giving additional donation of A$5.5 million.The donation is intended to re-build villages and to provide treatment for all the burned victims.The Australian Ambassador for Indonesia Greg Moriarty said that Australia had been quick to respond with US$2.1 million in emergency funds when Mount Merapi erupted and the tsunami hit Mentawai Islands.This additional funding takes Australias total support to US$7.6 million, as cited in a press release on the website of Australian Embassy of Indonesia.Moriarty said Australias further support will help to minimize the impact of future disasters and save lives.The fund, as he said, is dedicated to communities to help themselves, for example by rebuilding homes and local health clinics through Indonesias National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM).Indonesia is now looking beyond the immediate response to longer-term recovery and rehabilitation. Australia is providing support to efforts on how Indonesia can better prepare for future disasters, Moriarty said. (T03/NOM)

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