Foreign Investment Pattern to Change,30 Des 2010, 04:04 WIB
Penulis: Wandrik Panca Adiguna

JAKARTA: Foreign funds are estimated to still flow to Indonesia next year, albeit smaller than in 2010. Foreign investors next year will make direct investment more than they make investments in the financial portfolio. BI Deputy Governor Budi Mulya said foreign capital investments (PMA) for 2011 were estimated at US$14.3 billion, while investments into the portfolio sector were projected at US$9 billion. This year, the former reached US$12.5 billion and the latter US$16.2 billion. "So, there will be a shift to the real sector," Budi said yesterday. He estimated more foreign investments would be made in the oil and gas and mining sectors. Head of the Public Relations and Institutional Relations Sub-Agency at the upstream oil and gas regulatory agency BP Migas Elan Biantoro disclosed investments in the upstream oil and gas sector next year were projected at US$18.9 billion. "Of the number, US$13 billion will be recovered as part of cost recovery items." Deputy for Planning at BP Migas Haposan Napitupulu previously explained there would be around 96 new wells worked on in exploration working areas next year. For 2010, the number of wells targeted was 90 new wells, but only 68 wells were realized. President Director of PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Gunadi Sindhuwinata explained global auto makers were interested in investing in Indonesia following the government's plan to provide incentives for eco cars. "If the regulation is issued, the auto makers can prepare themselves to estimate the amount of investment needed," he explained yesterday. Gunadi estimated car and motorbike production capacity in Indonesia would still be sufficient to cater to demand until the end of 2011."The existing car production capacity is 800,000, while the market is 730,000. Under different circumstances, we need to bolster capacity by then." In the meantime, Chairperson of the Indonesia Textile Association Ade Sudrajat exposed a Chinese company would realize its US$100 million investments in the apparel sector next year in Karawang, West Java. (10/11/raf/wiw)

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