10 Best & worst performing stocks in 2010

Bisnis.com,31 Des 2010, 05:34 WIB
Penulis: Wandrik Panca Adiguna

JAKARTA: Through the year 2010, a company posted more than 1,000% gain while another one plunged almost 90%. Lets see the shares with the best and the worst performance this year.

The top 10 best performing stocks in 2010:1. Pan Brothers (PBRX) recorded gain 1.189,29%.2. Modern Internasional (MDRN) recorded gain 868,75%.3. Eatertainment Internasional (SMMT) recorded gain 866,67%.4. Inovisi Infracom (INVS) recorded gain 816,67%.5. Indomobil Sukses International (IMAS) recorded gain 783,72%.6. Indospring (INDS) recorded gain 740%.7. Bumi Teknokultura (BTEK) recorded gain 695,45%.8. Indosiar Karya Media (IDKM) recorded gain 620,72%.9. Resource Alam Indonesia (KKGI) recorded gain 572,73%.10. Indocitra Finance (INCF) recorded gain 515%.(Source: Bloomberg)The top 10 worst performing stocks in 2010:1. Katarina Utama (RINA) recorded loss 43,86%.2. Perdana Karya (PKPK) recorded loss 43,87%.3. Triwira Instan Lestari (TRIL) recorded loss 44,35%.4. Dayaindo Resources (KARK) recorded loss 55,75%.5. Indonesia Prima Property (OMRE) recorded loss 57,50%.6. Itamaraya (ITMA) recorded loss 61,50%.7. Cowell Development (COWL) recorded loss 65,14%.8. Colorpak Indonesia (CLPI) recorded loss 79,34%.9. Kertas Basuki Rachmad (KBRI) recorded loss 84,84%.10. Intikeramik Alamasri Industry (IKAI) recorded loss 86,84%. (t04/wiw)

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