Bank Jabar Banten launches IDR2 trillion bonds,11 Jan 2011, 01:49 WIB
Penulis: Wandrik Panca Adiguna

JAKARTA: PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk (BJBR) today launches IDR2 trillion bonds VII issuance on February 4 2011.In the bonds prospectus published today, BJBR will use all the proceed to support credit expansion.PT Bahana Securities and PT Trimegah Securities Tbk (TRIM) are acting as lead underwriters for the bonds.The bank will issue three tranches with 3, 5, 7 years maturity. A Tranche will due in 3 years, B tranche will due in 5 years, and C tranche will mature in 7 years.The bonds have obtained idAA- rating from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) with stable outlook. (wiw)

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