JCI declines 0.80% to 3,526.94 led by Unilever & BRI

Bisnis.com,19 Jan 2011, 05:58 WIB
Penulis: Wandrik Panca Adiguna

JAKARTA: Indonesian shares extended it drop as low as 0.80% to 3,526.94 in midday break, led by Unilever Indonesia Tbk and Bank Rakyat Indonesia.Out of 423 stocks traded, 63 stocks rose, 104 fell, while the remaining 256 stocks were unchanged.Bank Mandiri and Astra Internasional retained the index from further drop as it rose by 2.45 points and 2.39 points respectively.Unilever Indonesia led the drop with 4.05 points, followed by Bank Rakyat Indonesia (-3.60 points) Telekomunikasi Indonesia (-2,38 points) and Perusahaan Gas Negara (-2.14 points).Eight out of 9 industrial groups contributed a negative movement to the index, led by consumer goods (-24.65%), utility, infrastructure and transportation (-23,31%) and basic industry and chemical (-17.20%).BISNIS-27 Index also slipped by -1.29 points to 299.63. The index moved between 302.35-298.67.(t03/wiw)

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