TelkomVision boosts IPTV business,27 Jan 2011, 02:18 WIB
Penulis: Wandrik Panca Adiguna

JAKARTA: TelkomVision management optimist their Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) basis service, developed by Telkom Group, will ready to serve in the next 3 to 6 months.TelkomVision Operational Director Aris Hartono said the service has been limitedly tested since last month.TelkomVision demonstrated telecast transmitted by IPTV, yesterday. The service is involving PT Telkom Tbk as optic cable provider, TelkomSpeedy as internet provider and TelkomVision as content manger.According to TelkomVision president Director Elvizar K.H., IPTV will be one of two other variants that will be TelkomVision premium product. The first service is satellite TV (direct to home TV/DTH).TV satellite is targeted to serve middle class economic community, as he said during the launching of TelkomVision new logo, yesterday.TelkomVision is well known as Telkom subsidiary on pay television provider namely Yes TV. The company provides two satellite-based pay TV services that are postpaid and prepaid system.IPTV, he informed, is targeted for segment A and A+ community as it required 3 mbps bandwidth. Some programs, e.g. video on demand, will be charged with special fee or pay per view.TelkomVision IPTV service requires high speed internet access provided by TelkomSpeedy.With ADSL modem and one top box set connected to the television, IPTV is accessable.The deployment of IPTV Telkom services previously had experienced delayed for several times. The delay was due to maximize the service before releasing it commercially.Singapore-based SingTel spent 3 years and so did other countries.For middle economic community, TelkomVision serves them with cable television. (t05/wiw)

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