Central govt hands over 4 geothermal working areas

Bisnis.com,30 Mei 2011, 01:59 WIB
Penulis: Wandrik Panca Adiguna

JAKARTA: Central government today hands over four geothermal mining working areas (WKP) with 493 MW capacity to three regents and governor of West Java.Such measure refers to Law No. 27/2003 on Geothermal, said Director General of Renewable Resources and Energy Conservation Luluk Sumiarso. The Central government has only the authority to provide geothermal mining working areas and afterwards, the responsibility is granted to local government particularly to open tender and determine tender winner.Tender period depends on their readiness, he said to Bisnis yesterday.Referring to the given law, if geothermal area is located in district/city, then such mining working areas become the authority of the regent while if it is located between two districts/cities, then it becomes the responsibility of governor. If the working area is located between provinces, then it becomes the responsibility of central government.Those four geothermal working areas consist of three areas as part of the responsibility of the regent. The three working areas include WKP Bonjol with 200 MW capacity, currently under the authority of Pasaman regent (West Sumatra), WKP Mataloko with 63 MW capacity, under the authority of Ngada regent (East Nusa Tenggara) and WKP Gunung Endut with 80 MW capacity, under the authority of Lebak regent (West Java).In the meantime, WKP Gunung Ciremai with 150 MW capacity is under West Java governor as it is located between districts.This handover is held in the launch of Clean Energy Awareness Day in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol. It is rather symbolic ceremony.During such launch, there will be also the launch of National Energy Conservation Master Plan, consisting of governments programs and targets in saving energy. (t02/wiw)

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