Indosat to accelerate cellular business, focusing on infrastructure development,26 Jun 2011, 03:30 WIB
Penulis: News Editor

JAKARTA: PT Indosat Tbk, an Indonesian-based leading telecommunication company, will keepaccelerating its cellular business by allocating 2011 capital expenditure of IDR6.5 trillion.

Out of total the allocated capex in 2011, about 80% will be placed for development of the provider's cellular business,confirmed by Indosat President Director Harry Sasongko at the 2011 Shareholders' Meeting and Public Exposeon Friday.

The plan is also supported by higher cellular business revenue by 12.1% to IDR16.03 trillion in a fiscal year of 2010 from IDR14.3 trillion in 2009.

In addition, the company is still concentrating on the infrastructure development since 2010 by modernizing its networks in area of Jabodetabek and Kalimantan.

Moreover, the company's cellular subcriberswas 21.2% higherto 45.7 million, while its market share soared by 22.3%with a total of204,98 million subcribers.

In the meantime, the ISAT-shares coded company is also allocating US$220 million this year to pay off its debt, derived from its internal source.

"We will pay off for the debt having highest interest first," Harry affirmed. (NOM)

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Editor: Muhammad Fariz Aulia